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The 2022 BookTube Prize for Translated Fiction- Final 6
Ranking the BookTube Prize translated fiction Group A - six mini reviews and some mental struggles
BookTube Prize 2022 - Ranking And Reacting To Translated Fiction Group G #booktubeprize2022
BookTube Prize 2022 - Translated Fiction Category - Finals - my ranking
Booktube Prize 2022 Translated fiction finals
BookTube Prize Octofinals | Translated Fiction Group D
BookTube Prize 2022 - Translated Fiction Category - Quarterfinals - Group B - my ranking
Booktube Prize 2022 FINALS Ranking! - Translated Fiction
My BookTube Prize Judging Results: Translated Fiction Group B
RESULTS Translated Fiction Group A
Judging for the Booktube Prize Octofinals | 6 Mini (non-spoiler) Reviews
Booktube Prize 2022 | Finals | Fiction | BethChatsBooks